Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Day 7, weigh in #1

I lost 1 full pound. I'm very happy with that considering that this weekend was that tests and Easter. Things didn't get completely out of control, but this weight watchers week will be much better. Not much going on at all. I have a pot luck to go to on Saturday that I'm really excited about...but the benefit of going to a pot luck is being able to bring your own food.

I'm hoping to lose 2-3 pounds by next Wednesday, which should put me back on track for losing 30 pounds in 100 days.


Martalu said...

Yay! You rule!

I'm joining WW again on Saturday. It's worth the cost.

We're doing it!

TrixieBelden said...

Congrats on the pound. That's terrific. I haven't visited in a while, so I had to go back and read when you started your 30 in 100. I think it is great that you are inspired and that you have a plan. I haven't checked my plan for a while to see if I'm on track. You have inspired me to do just that. Can wait to hear how the next 93 days go!