Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Okay, okay

Yes, it's been 5 days since I've posted...I'm abso-fruitin'-lootely sorry. I am having one bitch of a month. First the no National Cert thing which bit royally. Then the big secret fell through...we were going to buy a house with my parents. It was a huge raised ranch with a 3 bedroom accesory apartment on an acre of land. Was it that we couldn't get the money up for a giant down payment? Nope. Trouble getting a mortgage? Nope, our credit is in the high 700s. Was it the engineer's report? Nope. Was it a family member of my husbands who did sneaky things to undermine the confidence of other people related to my husband, taking advantage of their anxiety issues and thus turning everything into a crisis...complete with family member #1 calling Chris telling him he'd better calm family member #2 down because he/she is afraid that he/she will hurt him/herself? And that family number #1 had the audacity to cancel my appointment with an attorney and change it to a day that he/she could go and didn't even ask about my availability to go see my lawyer? I think that has a ton to do with it. So, we're not getting the house. I'm only a little bitter and it's fading...which is great because otherwise it would be a very horrible Christmas for us.

In other news:

  1. 30/100 is not going so great at the moment, but I still have time, so I'm not sweating it.

  2. We have a new student at my school who needs reading services...and I'm psyched because he's a nice kid and he wants to become a better reader.

  3. I've got banana bread in the'nt tell Chris, but I put FiberSure in it for good measure.
  4. This video makes me laugh....a lot:

1 comment:

Chai said...

sorry about the house.....but maybe it is a sign that somethin gbetter is coming your way..sound slike you might have been stuck with some melodrama had it worked out....and that is not fun stuff...banana bread............