Saturday, February 09, 2008

Where does the time go?

Sorry I haven't been around recently...I had about a million meetings after school this week, so by the time I got home, I was I sat around and did nothing. Not a thing. Sad, because I really should be purging the apartment of things we don't need because we will eventually have to make room for this baby if we don't find a house. And even if we do find a house, we're going to have to purge before we move just to make things easier.

To make it up to anyone who visited and was disappointed, I took pictures this week for your entertainment.

This is especially for Marta who requested a picture of Reuben in his new hoodie.

Reu will whimper when he's on his dog bed if he's cold...the result is a snuggle up with a blanket. Sometimes, when we're lucky, he gets up and walks around wearing a cape for a while.

This is the fabric that I stashed away to make a baby quilt with. I actually bought it when my friend CA was pregnant and I wanted to make her baby a quilt. I think that whether I have a girl of's my kid and it will probably love aliens as much as I do...right?
Thanks for stopping by!


Martalu said...

I'm so happy now! And I totally dig that fabric.

Living to Feel Good said...

That fabric rocks! Love it. I also love the picture of Reuben with the blanket still on. :) So cute!!