Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Just a few randowm things to share today:

I'm guess that no one really comes around anymore...and that's okay. My last post was a sad sack pity party, but I needed to get it out.

I've decided that for the next 6 months or so, I am going to work diligently on getting 22 more graduate credits so my pay will get bumped up to the highest step on our pay scale. There are rumors of the credit related steps being removed from our contract during our next contractual negotiations which begin in 18 months. I'm taking a mixture of online classes and double weekend classes so that I can get it all done quickly.

I haven't actively tried to lose weight in quite some time, but now that spring is right around the corner (yeah, right, it's snowing here as I type this) and Alexander is all about being outside and walking around and around the perimeter of the house in his special skull and crossbones boots, I think it's time to approach the subject again and perhaps getting out some of my running gear? Shocking, I know!


Cory said...

We all need to get stuff out sometimes. Blogs are really great for that!

I think working to get those credits is fantastic. I imagine it will be tough, but it will be worth it!

Isn't it crazy this year how it should be Spring, we're getting snow instead!?! But, it will eventually warm up and be nice for outside exercise!

Sarah said...

I still come around. Keep the posts coming. Sorry to hear about Reuben.